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2 Overview of
Financial Reporting for State and Local Governments
solution to this and the first exercise of Chapters 1 and 3 through 9 will
differ from student to student assuming each has a different CAFR.
financial reporting entity is a
primary government, organizations for which the primary government is
financially accountable, and other organizations for which the nature and
significance of their relationship with the primary government are such that
exclusion would cause the reporting entity's financial statements to be
misleading or incomplete.
primary government is a state
government or general purpose local government. An example of a primary
government would be any state, municipality, or county (general purpose
governments) and any special-purpose local government that meets the certain
criteria. In some states, school disricts are generally primary governments as
the governing boards are independently elected, levy their own taxes, and are
financially independent.
A component unit is a legally separate organization
for which the elected officials of the primary government are financially
accountable. In addition, a component unit can be another organization for
which the nature and significance of its relationship with a primary government
are such that exclusion would cause the reporting entity's financial statements
to be misleading or incomplete. An example might be a library with a separate
board appointed by a city council and in which the city council must approve its
budget and make up its deficits.
two primary methods for reporting component units in the financial statements
of a primary government are blending
and discrete presentation. Blending reports the component unit as one of the
funds of the primary government, which then results in including the component
unit as part of the basic financial statements. Blending is used only when
component units are sufficiently intertwined with the primary government that
they are, in substance, the same as the primary government. Discrete
presentation involves reporting the component unit in a column to the right of
the primary government in the government-wide financial statements of the
reporting entity.
A. The
three major sections of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report are the introductory, financial, and statistical sections.
B. The
Government-Wide Financial Statements
are the Statement of Net position and the Statement of Activities.
Government-Wide Statements are presented using the economic resources
measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting.
C. The
Governmental Fund Statements are the
Balance Sheet and the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund
Balances. Governmental Fund Statements are presented using the current financial
resources measurement focus and modified accrual basis of accounting.
D. The
Proprietary Fund Statements are the
Statement of Net position (or Balance Sheet), Statement of Revenues, Expenses,
and Changes in Fund Net position, and the Statement of Cash Flows. The
Proprietary Fund Statements are prepared using the economic resources
measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting.
E. The
Fiduciary Fund Statements are the
Statement of Fiduciary Net position and the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net
position. Fiduciary Fund Statements are prepared using the economic resources
measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting.
F. Management's Discussion and Analysis
(MD&A) is considered to be Required Supplementary Information (RSI) and
is presented in the financial section after the auditor's report. The remainder
of RSI is generally presented after the notes to the financial statements and
includes (a) a schedule of funding progress and a schedule of employer
contributions for pension plans included in the report, (b) budgetary
comparison schedules, (c) information regarding infrastructure assets when
using the modified approach, and (d) information required for external
financing pools.
2.4 The General Fund is always considered a major fund. Other
governmental funds are considered major when both of the following conditions
exist: (a) total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures of that individual governmental fund constitute 10
percent of the total for the governmental funds category, and (b) total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures of that individual governmental or enterprise fund
are 5 percent of the total of the governmental and enterprise categories,
combined. Additionally, a government may designate any fund major if reporting
that fund separately would be useful.
An enterprise fund is considered
major if: (a) assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenses are 10 percent or more of the total for all enterprise
funds, and (b) its assets,
liabilities, revenues, or expenses
are 5 percent or more of the total of the governmental and enterprise
categories, combined.
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