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Modern Database Management, 11/E Jeffrey A. Hoffer, V. Ramesh Heikki Topi solutions manual and test bank

Modern Database Management, 11/E solutions manual and test bank
Jeffrey A. Hoffer, University of Dayton
V. Ramesh
Heikki Topi

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  1. Image Library (Download only) for Modern Database Management, 11/E
    Hoffer, Ramesh & Topi
    ISBN-10: 0132662337 • ISBN-13: 9780132662338
    ©2013 • Online • Live
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  2. Instructor Resource Manual (Download only) for Modern Database Management, 11/E
    Hoffer, Ramesh & Topi
    ISBN-10: 0132662310 • ISBN-13: 9780132662314
    ©2013 • Online • Live
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  3. PowerPoint Presentation (Download only) for Modern Database Management, 11/E
    Hoffer, Ramesh & Topi
    ISBN-10: 0132662280 • ISBN-13: 9780132662284
    ©2013 • Online • Live
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  4. TestGen® Computerized Test Bank for Modern Database Management, 11/E
    Hoffer, Ramesh & Topi
    ISBN-10: 0132662345 • ISBN-13: 9780132662345
    ©2013 • Online • Live
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hapter 2     Modeling Data in the Organization

Chapter Overview

The purpose of this chapter is to present a detailed description of the entity-relationship model and the use of this tool within the context of conceptual data modeling. This chapter presents the basic entity-relationship (or E-R) model, while advanced features are presented in Chapter 3.

Chapter Objectives

Specific student learning objectives are included in the beginning of the chapter. From an instructor’s point of view, the objectives of this chapter are to:

1.         Emphasize the importance of understanding organizational data, and convince your students that unless they can represent data unambiguously in logical terms, they cannot implement a database that will effectively serve the needs of management.
2.         Present the E-R model as a logical data model that can be used to capture the structure and much, although not all, of the semantics (or meaning) of data.
3.         Apply E-R modeling concepts to several practical examples including the Pine Valley Furniture Company case.

Key Terms

Associative entity
Entity-relationship diagram
 (E-R diagram)
Relationship instance
Relationship type
Binary relationship
Entity-relationship model
 (E-R model)
Required attribute
Business rule
Simple (or atomic) attribute
Cardinality constraint
Strong entity type
Composite attribute
Composite identifier
Identifying owner
Ternary relationship
Identifying relationship
Time stamp
Derived attribute
Maximum cardinality
Unary relationship
Minimum cardinality
Weak entity type
Entity instance
Multivalued attribute

Entity type
Optional attribute

Classroom Ideas

1.               Review the major steps in the database development process (Figure 1-10) and highlight the importance of data modeling in determining the overall data requirements of information systems. Lead a discussion concerning whom in the organization is typically most heavily involved in each of the steps and how end users may best participate in the process.
2.               Introduce the concept of drawing models to represent information in a concise manner by having your students participate in a small active exercise in map-making. Divide the students into teams of 3-4 each so that you have an even number of teams in the class. Instruct each team to work together to investigate and develop a map to selected campus locations (you develop the list ahead of time; e.g., from this classroom to the library, from this classroom to a colleague’s office, etc.). Ask each team to verify the map they draw and then return to the classroom. Pair up each team with a unique location with another team; ask the teams to exchange maps. Instruct each team to then verify the map they received by following it and then returning to the classroom. Conduct a debriefing discussion about how easy/hard it was to follow the maps, how useful were the symbols used, how easily understood were the symbols, etc. Use this discussion to lead into the use of E-R notation used to represent data models and why standardization is useful to systems development activities.
3.               Use the sample E-R diagram shown in Figure 1 to “jump-start” your students’ understanding. Ask your students to explain the business rules represented in this diagram.
4.               Use Figure 2 to summarize the basic E-R notation used in this chapter (and throughout the remainder of the text).
5.               Contrast the terms: entity type and entity instance (see Figure 3). Discuss other examples: STUDENT (with each student in the classroom as an instance), etc. Warn the students that the term “entity” is often used either way; the meaning is intended to come from the context in which it is used.
6.               Give examples of common errors in E-R diagramming, including inappropriate entities (see Figure 4). Ask your students for other examples.
7.               Compare strong versus weak entities using Figure 5. Ask your students for other examples.
8.               Discuss the various types of attributes that are commonly encountered (Figures 7 through 9). Again, ask your students to think of other examples.
9.               Make sure your students understand the difference between relationship types and relationship instances (Figure 10).
10.            Introduce the notion of an associative entity by using Figure 11. Discuss the four reasons (presented in the text) for converting a relationship to an associative entity.
11.            Discuss unary, binary, and ternary relationships (Figure 12). Have the students brainstorm at least two additional examples for each of these relationship degrees.
12.            Discuss the bill-of-materials unary relationship (Figure 13). Use a simple and familiar product (such as a toy) to illustrate this structure.
13.            Introduce the concept and notation of cardinality constraints in relationships (Figures 16, 17, and 18). Emphasize that these constraints are important expressions of business rules.
14.            Introduce the problem of representing time dependent data. Use Figures 19 and 20 to illustrate different means of coping with time dependencies.
15.            Discuss examples of multiple relationships between entities (Figure 21). Ask your students to suggest other examples.
16.            Use the diagram for Pine Valley Furniture Company (Figure 22) to illustrate a more comprehensive E-R diagram. Stress that in real-world situations, E-R diagrams are often much more complex than this example.
17.            As time permits, have your students work in small teams, 2 or 3 students each, to solve some of the E-R diagramming exercises at the end of the chapter. We have included a number of new examples for this purpose. Also, you may assign the project case as a homework exercise.

Answers to Review Questions

1.         Define each of the following terms:
a.                Entity type. A collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics
b.               Entity-relationship model. A logical representation of the data for an organization or for a business area
c.                Entity instance. A single occurrence of an entity type
d.               Attribute. A property or characteristic of an entity type that is of interest to the organization
e.                Relationship type. A meaningful association between (or among) entity types
f.                Identifier. An attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies individual instances of an entity type
g.               Multivalued attribute. An attribute that may take on more than one value for a given entity instance
h.               Associative entity.  An entity type that associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances
i.                 Cardinality constraint. Specifies the number of instances of one entity that can (or must) be associated with each instance of another entity
j.                 Weak entity. An entity type whose existence depends on some other entity type
k.               Identifying relationship. The relationship between a weak entity type and its owner
l.                 Derived attribute. An attribute whose values can be calculated from related attribute values
m.             Business rule. A statement that defines or constrains some aspect of the business

2.               Match the following terms and definitions:
            i        composite attribute
            d       associative entity
            b       unary relationship
            j        weak entity
            h       attribute
            m      entity
            e       relationship type
            c       cardinality constraint
            g       degree
            a       identifier
            f        entity type
            k       ternary
            l        bill-of-materials

3.         Contrast the following terms:

a.                Stored attribute; derived attribute. A stored attribute is one whose values are stored in the database, while a derived attribute is one whose values can be calculated or derived from related stored attributes.
b.               Simple attribute; composite attribute. A simple attribute is one that cannot be broken down into smaller components, while a composite attribute can be broken down into component parts.
c.                Entity type; relationship type. An entity type is a collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics, while a relationship type is a meaningful association between (or among) entity types.
d.               Strong entity type; weak entity type. A strong entity type is an entity that exists independently of other entity types, while a weak entity type depends on some other entity type.
e.                Degree; cardinality. The degree (of a relationship) is the number of entity types that participate in that relationship, while cardinality is a constraint on the number of instances of one entity that can (or must) be associated with each instance of another entity.
f.                Required attribute; optional attribute. A required attribute must have a value for each entity instance, whereas an optional attribute may not have a value for every entity instance.
g.               Composite attribute; multivalued attribute. A composite attribute has component parts that give meaning, whereas a multivalued attribute may take one or more values for an entity instance.
h.               Ternary relationship; three binary relationships. A ternary relationship is a simultaneous relationship among the instances of three entity types and often includes attributes unique to that simultaneous relationship. Three binary relationships reflect the three two-way relationships between two entity types, and do not depict the same meaning as a ternary relationship.

4.         Three reasons:
a.                The characteristics of data captured during data modeling are crucial in the design of databases, programs, and other system components. Facts and rules that are captured during this process are essential in assuring data integrity in an information system.
b.               Data, rather than processes, are the most important aspects of many modern information systems and hence, require a central role in structuring system requirements.
c.                Data tend to be more stable than the business processes that use the data. Thus, an information system that is based on a data orientation should have a longer useful life than one based on a process orientation.

5.               Four reasons:
a.                Business rules are a core concept in an enterprise since they are an expression of business policy, and they guide individual and aggregate behavior. Well-structured business rules can be stated in a natural language for end users and in a data model for system developers.
b.               Business rules can be expressed in terms that are familiar to end users. Thus, users can define and then maintain their own rules.
c.                Business rules are highly maintainable: they are stored in a central repository and each rule is expressed only once, then shared throughout the organization.
d.               Enforcement of business rules can be automated through the use of software that can interpret the rules and enforce them using the integrity mechanisms of the database management system.

6.               Where can you find business rules?  Business rules appear in descriptions of business functions, events, policies, units, stakeholders, and other objects. These descriptions can be found in interview notes from individual and group information systems requirements collection sessions, organizational documents, and other sources. Rules are identified by asking questions about the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the organization.

Appendix A E-R Modeling Tools and Notation

Appendix Overview

The purpose of this appendix is to introduce one of the most popular methods of modeling relational database systems. There are a variety of software tools available to assist in the modeling of these types of systems. This appendix will assist in comparing the notation used in the text with the notation used in four commonly used packages: CA ERWin Data Modeler r8, Oracle Designer 10g, Sybase PowerDesigner 16, and Microsoft Visio.

Appendix Objectives

From an instructor’s point of view, the objectives of this appendix are to:
1.               Expose students to the look and feel of different modeling tools.
2.               Illustrate the differences in notation of various modeling tools.
3.               Review the entity symbols and relationships available with different modeling tools.
4.               Discuss/review relationship and cardinality types:
a.                1:1
b.               1:M
c.                M:N
d.               Optional participation
e.                Mandatory participation
5.               Discuss and review types:
a.                Supertype
b.        Subtype
6.               Discuss and review attributes:
7.               a.     Key and nonkey attributes
b.               Null and not null definitions
8.               Discuss and review keys:
a.                Candidate keys
b.               Primary keys
c.                Foreign keys
d.               Secondary keys

Classroom Ideas

1.               Many of the products shown in this appendix have limited time trial versions. Visit the product Web sites to find the trial versions, which can then be used in class for illustrations or by students to explore the capabilities of these tools.
2.               Be sure to review the definitions of entities; entity types; entity instances; relationship structures; cardinality and participation constraints; primary, secondary, and foreign keys; and ways of modeling business rules and constraints.
3.               Students always learn best by seeing examples. Provide numerous examples using familiar situations: students, courses, and instructors; customers, orders, and products; waiters, meals, and bills. Show each situation with several different data modeling tools. If there are capabilities one product has that another does not have, point out these differences.
4.               Emphasize the importance of this model as a tool, both to help the designer understand the system, and to show the users that the system is all-encompassing.
5.               Divide the class into teams and have each team take the Pine Valley model for one tool and develop comments/observations about the data model produced using that tool.
6.               Divide the class into teams and have each team develop a data model for a case study using different tools. Have the teams then compare their results and briefly discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each tool used.
7.               You may have other tools that you want students to use other than those illustrated in this appendix or students may know of other tools available for data modeling. Use this appendix as a “jumping-off” point for an exploration session of available tools and a discussion of how students might evaluate such options for an employer looking for a recommendation on what package to use in the “real world.”
8.               This appendix is a good opportunity to prepare students for the “real world.” By pointing out the differences in the tools they may have at their disposal at work, the instructor can demonstrate the importance of understanding general database concepts and developing flexibility in how they will be able to accomplish the tasks they are assigned at work.
9.               Use the web to find other tools that might approximate the drawing templates needed to represent conceptual data models.  In particular, with the rise of tablet computing, explore some of the “draw by hand” applications that would support ad-hoc modeling during a quick meeting with a client or end-user.  Coordinate an in-class (or online) discussion about the pros/cons of various tools that a data analyst may have at hand to capture data needs.
 Modern Database Management, 11e (Hoffer et al.)
Chapter 3   The Enhanced E-R Model and Business Rules

1) Which of the following is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes?
A) Megatype
B) Supertype
C) Subgroup
D) Class
Answer:  B
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 113
Topic:  Representing Supertypes and Subtypes
AACSB:  Use of Information Technology

2) Given the following entities, which of the choices below would be the most complicated? 
Automobile: VIN, EngineSize,NumberOfDoors, NumberOfPassengers,, FuelType, Transmission
SUV: VIN, EngineSize, NumberOfPassengers, NoWheelDrive, FuelType, Transmission
Truck: VIN, EngineSize, NoWheelDrive, FuelType, Transmission, Payload

A) Define one vehicle entity type to hold all entities. 
B) Define a separate entity type for each entity. 
C) Define a supertype called vehicle and make each of the entities subtypes.      
D) Keep only the Truck entity type. 
Answer:  A
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 115
Topic:  Representing Specialization and Generalization
AACSB:  Use of Information Technology

3) The property by which subtype entities possess the values of all attributes of a supertype is called:
A) hierarchy reception.
B) class management.
C) attribute inheritance.
D) generalization.
Answer:  C
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 115
Topic:  Representing Supertypes and Subtypes
AACSB:  Use of Information Technology
Subtopic:  Attribute Inheritance

4) Subtypes should be used when:
A) there are attributes that apply to some but not all instances of an entity type.
B) supertypes relate to objects outside the business.
C) the instances of a subtype do not participate in a relationship that is unique to that subtype.
D) none of the above.
Answer:  A
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 116
Topic:  Representing Supertypes and Subtypes
AACSB:  Analytic Skills, Use of Information Technology
Subtopic:  When to Use Supertype/Subtype Relationships

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