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Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 3/E solutions manual and test bank by Ingber & Etter

Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 3/E solutions manual and test bank by Ingber & Etter

Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 3/E
Delores M. Etter
Jeanine A. Ingber, University of New Mexico
ISBN-10: 0132492652 • ISBN-13: 9780132492652
©2012 • Prentice Hall • Paper, 624 pp
Published 11/14/2011 • Instock
Book cover

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  1. Instructor Solutions Manual for Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 3/E
    Etter & Ingber
    ISBN-10: 0132494388 • ISBN-13: 9780132494380
    ©2012 • Online • Live
    More info
    1. Solutions to end-of-chapter exercises (ZIP) (0.1MB)
      These are the solutions for the EOC exercises for Chapters 1-4
    2. Solutions to end-of-chapter exercises (ZIP) (0.1MB)
      These are solutions for the EOC exercises for Chapters 5-7
    3. Solutions to end-of-chapter exercises (ZIP) (0.1MB)
      These are the solutions for the EOC exercises for Chapters 8-10
  2. PowerPoint Lecture Slides for Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 3/E
    Etter & Ingber
    ISBN-10: 0132494434 • ISBN-13: 9780132494434
    ©2012 • Online • Live
    More info
    1. PowerPoint Slides (ZIP) (17.2MB)
      Available for Download
  3. Source Code for Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 3/E
    Etter & Ingber
    ISBN-10: 0132848678 • ISBN-13: 9780132848671
    ©2012 • Online • Live
    More info
    1. Source Code (ZIP) (0.1MB)
      This is the Source Code for all chapters
  4. Test Bank for Engineering Problem Solving with C++, 3/E
    Etter & Ingber
    ISBN-10: 0132494396 • ISBN-13: 9780132494397
    ©2012 • Online • Live
    More info
    1. Test Bank (ZIP) (0.1MB)
      Available for Download
    2. Test Bank Solutions (ZIP) (0.1MB)
      These are the solutions to the Test Bank chapters
Exam Practice!
1.   T
2.   F
3.   T
4.   T
5.   F
6.   Not Correct.  int i, j, k;
7.   Correct.
8.   Incorrect. double D1, D2, D3;
9.   Correct.
10.  Correct.
11.  (d)
12.  (b)
13.  (a)
14.  (c)
15.  (e)
Memory Snapshots
16.  x1=>2, z=>2, x=>2
17.  x=>2, y=>1, a=>3.8, n=>2
18.  value_1 = 5.78263
19.  Missing ; (value_4 = 6.645832e+01)
20.  value_5 = 7750
Programming Exercises
/*  Problem chapter2_21                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program converts miles to kilometers.                        */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double miles, kilometers;

   /*  Enter number of miles from the keyboard.  */
   cout << "Enter the number of miles: \n";
   cin >> miles;

   /*  Compute the number of kilometers equal to the specified miles. */
   kilometers = 1.6093440*miles;

   /*  Print the number of kilometers.  */
   cout << miles << " miles = " << kilometers << " kilometers \n";

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_22                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program converts meters to miles.                            */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double miles, meters;

   /*  Enter number of meters from the keyboard.  */
   cout << "Enter the number of meters: \n";
   cin >> meters;

   /*  Compute the number of miles equal to the specified meters. */
   miles = meters/1609.3440;

   /*  Print the number of miles.  */
   cout  << meters << " meters = "<< miles << " miles \n";

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_23                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program converts pounds to kilograms.                        */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double pounds, kilograms;

   /*  Enter number of pounds from the keyboard.  */
   cout << "Enter the number of pounds: ";
   cin >> pounds;

   /*  Compute number of kilograms equal to the specified pounds.  */
   kilograms = pounds/2.205;

   /*  Print the number of kilograms.  */
   cout << pounds << " pounds = " << kilograms << " kilograms \n";

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_24                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program converts newtons to pounds.                          */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double pounds, newtons;

   /*  Enter number of newtons from the keyboard.  */
   cout << "Enter the number of newtons:  ";
   cin >> newtons;

   /*  Compute number of pounds equal to the specified newtons.  */
   pounds = newtons/4.448;

   /*  Print the number of pounds.  */
   cout << newtons << " newtons = " << pounds << " pounds \n";

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_25                                                */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program converts degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Rankin.       */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double degrees_F, degrees_R;

   /*  Enter temperture in degrees Fahrenheit from the keyboard.  */
   cout << "Enter the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit:  ";
   cin >> degrees_F;

   /*  Compute the equivalent temperature in degrees Rankin  */
   /*  from the given temperature.                           */
   degrees_R = degrees_F + 459.67;

   /*  Print the temperatures.  */
   cout << degrees_F << " degrees Fahrenheit = " << degrees_R << " degrees Rankin \n";

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_26                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program converts degrees Celsius to degrees Rankin.          */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double degrees_C, degrees_F, degrees_R;

   /*  Enter temperture in degrees Celsius from the keyboard.  */
   cout << "Enter the temperature in degrees Celsius:  \n";
   cin >> degrees_C;

   /*  Compute the equivalent temperature in degrees Rankin  */
   /*  from the given temperature.                           */
   degrees_F = (9.0/5.0)*degrees_C + 32;
   degrees_R = degrees_F + 459.67;

   /*  Print the temperatures.  */
   cout << degrees_C << " degrees Celsius = " << degrees_R << " degrees Rankin \n";

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_27                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program converts degrees Kelvin to degrees Fahrenheit.       */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double degrees_R, degrees_K, degrees_F;

   /*  Enter temperture in degrees Kelvin from the keyboard.  */
   cout << "Enter the temperature in degrees Kelvin:  \n";
   cin >> degrees_K;

   /*  Compute the equivalent temperature in degrees Fahrenheit  */
   /*  from the given temperature.                               */
   degrees_R = (9.0/5.0)*degrees_K;
   degrees_F = degrees_R - 459.67;

   /*  Print the temperatures.  */
   cout << degrees_K << " degrees Kelvin = " << degrees_F << " degrees Fahrenheit \n";

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_28                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program finds the area of a rectangle.                       */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double a, b, area;

   /*  Enter the lengths of sides of the rectangle.  */
   cout << "Enter the lengths of the sides of the rectangle:  ";
   cin >> a >> b;

   /*  Compute the area of the rectangle.  */
   area = a*b;

   /*  Print the value of the area.  */
   cout << "The area of a rectangle with sides " << a << " and " << b
        << " is " << area << endl;

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_29                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program finds the area of a triangle.                        */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double h, b, area;

   /*  Enter the base and the height of the triangle.  */
   cout << "Enter the base and the height of the triangle: ";
   cin >> b >> h;

   /*  Compute the area of the triangle.  */
   area = 0.5*b*h;

   /*  Print the value of the area.  */
   cout << "The area of a triangle with base " << b << " and height " << h
        << "is " << area << endl;

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_30                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program finds the area of a circle.                          */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

const double PI = 3.141593;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double r, area;

   /*  Enter the radius.  */
   cout << "Enter the radius of the circle: ";
   cin >> r;

   /*  Compute the area of the circle.  */
   area = PI*r*r;

   /*  Print the value of the area.  */
   cout << "The area of a circle with radius " << r << " is "
        << area << endl;

   /*  Exit program.  */
   return 0;

/*  Problem chapter2_31                                               */
/*                                                                    */
/*  This program computes the area of a sector of a circle when       */
/*  theta (u) is the angle in radians between the radii.              */

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
   /*  Declare variables.  */
   double u, r, area;

   /*  Enter the lengths of the radii and */
   /*  the angle between them.            */
   cout << "Enter the length of the radii and the angle "
        << "(in radians) between them: ";
   cin >> r >> u;

   /*  Compute the area of the sector.  */
   area = (r*r*u)/2.0;

   /*  Print the value of the area.  */
   cout << "The area of sector is " << area << endl; 

1.     Match each of the following data types with literal constants of that data type. A data type can be used more than once.

A.    integer
B.    double
C.    character
D.    string
E.     boolean
F.     none of the above.

________   1.427E3
________   "Oct"
________   -63.29
________   Zipcode
________    '+'
________    -85
      ________   true
      ________   '\''

2.     For each of the following determine if it is a valid identifier, and if it is not state why.
A.    House#
B.    2nd
D.    num4
E.     double
F.     last_name

3.     Evaluate the following functions

A.    (4 - 7) * 3
B.    14 % 4
C.    24 / 9
D.    6.72 / 4.2
E.     2 + 8 * 3 + 7

4.     What is the output of the following program.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main ()
{   int hr, min;
     hr = 1;
     min = 50;
     cout << "The exam is over at "  <<  hr  << “:” << min << endl;
     cout << "One down\n " << “two to go!” ;
     return 0;

5.     What is the output of the following program
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
{   int  WholeNumber;
     double Real1, Real2;
     WholeNumber = 76;
     Real1 = 3.167;
     Real2 = -24.103;
     cout << setw(6)  << WholeNumber << endl;
     cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
     cout << setprecision(2) << Real1 << ", " << Real2 << endl;
     cout << setiosflags(ios::showpoint)  << Real2 << 8.376 << endl;
     return 0;

6.     Which of the following are valid on the left side of an assignment operator?
A.    A numeric constant
B.    An expression such as 8*6
C.    A declared constant
D.    A variable
E.     All of the above are valid on the left side of an assignment operator.

7.     Which of the following is valid on the right side of an assignment operator?
A.    A numeric constant
B.    An expression such as 8*6
C.    A declared constant
D.    A variable
E.     All of the above are valid on the right side of an assignment operator.

8.     The operator >> is used to
A.    Take a value from the input stream an store it into a variable
B.    Take a value from a variable and place it into the output stream
C.    Perform integer division and produce the remainder of the division
D.    Specify that the left hand operand is much larger than the right hand operand.

9.     The file which must appear in a #include preprocessor statement if you are using the fabs function is …
A.    iostream
B.    iomanip
C.    cmath
D.    string

10.  Which of the following is not a data type used to represent a floating point value
A.    float
B.    double
C.    long double
D.    short

11.  Which of the following is not a syntactically correct declaration?
A.    int number(12);
B.    double value1(4.5); value2(3.7);
C.    double tax_percent =0.06;
D.    int  x,y,z;

12.  Which of the following operators is the increment operator
A.    +=
B.    +
C.    %
D.    ++

13.  Which output flag is set to guarantee that a decimal point will be printed when printing a floating point value?
A.    fixed
B.    showpoint
C.    precision
D.    setw

14.  Function arguments are …
A.    the term used for the name of the function
B.    the term that refers to the value returned by a function
C.    the term that refers to the values passed to the function when the function is invoked.
D.    the term that refers to a function invocation.

15.  Which of the following function invocations is an approximation of PI
A.    atan(-1);
B.    acos(-1);
C.    sin(-1);
D.    cos(-1);

16.  Line comments begin with // and run for the rest of the line
A.    true
B.    false

 1.     Match each of the following data types with literal constants of that data type. A data type can be used more than once.

A.    integer
B.    double
C.    character
D.    string
E.     boolean
F.     none of the above.

____B___   1.427E3
____D___   "Oct"
____B___   -63.29
____F___   Zipcode
____C___    '+'
____A___    -85
      ____E___   true
      ____C___   '\''

2.     For each of the following determine if it is a valid identifier, and if it is not state why.
A.    House#            not valid, # is not allowed in identifier
B.    2nd                  not valid, identifiers must start with letter or underscore not a number
C.    WHILE           valid
D.    num4               valid
E.     double             not valid, double is a reserved keyword
F.     last_name       valid

3.     Evaluate the following functions

A.    (4 - 7) * 3                    -9
B.    14 % 4                         2
C.    24 / 9                           2
D.    6.72 / 4.2                     1.6
E.     2 + 8 * 3 + 7                33

4.     What is the output of the following program.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main ()
{   int hr, min;
     hr = 1;
     min = 50;
     cout << "The exam is over at "  <<  hr  << “:” << min << endl;
     cout << "One down\n " << “two to go!” ;
     return 0;

      The exam is over at 1:50
      One down
two to go!

5.     What is the output of the following program
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
{   int  WholeNumber;
     double Real1, Real2;
     WholeNumber = 76;
     Real1 = 3.167;
     Real2 = -24.103;
     cout << setw(6)  << WholeNumber << endl;
     cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed);
     cout << setprecision(2) << Real1 << ", " << Real2 << endl;
     cout << setiosflags(ios::showpoint)  << Real2 << 8.376 << endl;
     return 0;

3.17, -24.10

6.     Which of the following are valid on the left side of an assignment operator?
A.    A numeric constant
B.    An expression such as 8*6
C.    A declared constant
D.    A variable
E.     All of the above are valid on the left side of an assignment operator.

7.     Which of the following are valid on the right side of an assignment operator?
A.    A numeric constant
B.    An expression such as 8*6
C.    A declared constant
D.    A variable
E.     All of the above are valid on the right side of an assignment operator.

8.     The operator >> is used to
A.    Take a value from the input stream an store it into a variable
B.    Take a value from a variable and place it into the output stream
C.    Perform integer division and produce the remainder of the division
D.    Specify that the left hand operand is much larger than the right hand operand.

9.     The file which must appear in a #include preprocessor statement if you are using the fabs function is …
A.    iostream
B.    iomanip
C.    cmath
D.    string

10.  Which of the following is not a data type used to represent a floating point value
A.    float
B.    double
C.    long double
D.    short

11.  Which of the following is not a syntactically correct declaration?
A.    int number(12);
B.    double value1(4.5); value2(3.7);
C.    double tax_percent =0.06;
D.    int  x,y,z;

12.  Which of the following operators is the increment operator
A.    +=
B.    +
C.    %
D.    ++

13.  Which output flag is set to guarantee that a decimal point will be printed when printing a floating point value?
A.    fixed
B.    showpoint
C.    precision
D.    setw

14.  Function arguments are …
A.    the term used for the name of the function
B.    the term that refers to the value returned by a function
C.    the term that refers to the values passed to the function when the function is invoked.
D.    the term that refers to a function invocation.

15.  Which of the following function invocations is an approximation of PI
A.    atan(-1);
B.    acos(-1);
C.    sin(-1);
D.    cos(-1);

16.  Line comments begin with // and run for the rest of the line
A.    true
B.    false

17.  The purpose of a comment is to help the compiler understand your program and create efficient object code.
A.    true
B.    false

18.  The math function sin will compute sine when given the angle in degrees
A.    true
B.    false

19.  The setw manipulator is used to set the field width for all values that are printed until another setw manipulator is encountered.
A.    true
B.    false

20.  The preprocessor directive #include <iostream> copies the file iostream into the program before compilation, so that the program can use input and output objects and operators.
A.    true
B.    false

21.  The operand of the increment operator may be either a declared constant or a variable.
A.    true
B.    false

22.  The math function tan will compute tangent when the angle is given in radians.
A.    true
B.    false

23.  In a case sensitive language, such as C++, the variables apples and APPLES refer to different storage locations.
A.    true
B.    false

24.  An expression involving operators can appear after the output operator << in a cout statement.
A.    true
B.    false

25.  The precision of a floating point number is determined by the number of bits used to represent the exponent.
A.    true
B.    false

26.  Identifiers should be carefully chosen to reflect the contents of the object; this helps the compiler understand your program.
A.    True
B.    False

27.  C++ is a strongly typed programming language.
A.    True
B.    False

28.  Symbolic constants in C++ are declared with the modifier const; attempting to change the value of a symbolic constant will be flagged as a syntax error by the compiler.
A.    True
B.    False

29.  Class declarations specify a programmer-defined type/object.
A.    True
B.    False

30.  Class members may include data (attributes) and methods (functions).
A.    True
B.    False

31.  Which of the following visibilities by be used to control access to class members:
A.    public
B.    protected
C.    private
D.    All of these are visibilities used to control access to class members.

32.  Class attributes define the operations that may be performed on class objects.
A.    True
B.    False

33.  Constructors are special methods of a class that are executed when objects of the class type are created.
A.    True
B.    False

34.  Constructors must have the same name as the class; therefore there may be only one constructor in any class.
A.    True
B.    False

35.  Once a class is defined, you may use the class as a type specifier.
A.    True
B.    False

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