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Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 7/E Kip R. Irvine, solutions manual and test bank

Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 7/E Kip R. Irvine, solutions manual and test bank

Answers to End of Chapter Reviews and Exercises

for Assembly Language for x86 Processors, 7th Edition

by Kip R. Irvine

Chapters 1 to 13

Revision date: 1/18/2014

Chapter 1

1.7.1 Short Answer Questions

1. Most significant bit (the highest numbered bit).

2. (a) 53 (b) 150 (c) 204

3. (a) 110001010 (b) 110010110 (c) 100100001

4. 00000110

5. (a) 8 (b) 32 (c) 64 (d) 128

6. (a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 16

7. (a) 35DA (b) CEA3 (c) FEDB

8. (a) 0000 0001 0010 0110 1111 1001 1101 0100

(b) 0110 1010 1100 1101 1111 1010 1001 0101

(c) 1111 0110 1001 1011 1101 1100 0010 1010

9. (a) 58 (b) 447 (c) 16534

10. (a) 98 (b) 1203 (c) 671

11. (a) FFE8 (b) FEB5

12. (a) FFEB (b) FFD3

13. (a) 27641 (b) -16093

14. (a) 19666 (b) -32208

15. (a) −75 (b) +42 (c) −16

16. (a) −128 (b) −52 (c) −73

17. (a) 11111011 (b) 11010110 (c) 11110000

18. (a) 10111000 (b) 10011110 (c) 11100110

19. (a) AB2 (b) 1106

20. (a) B82 (b) 1316

21. 42h and 66d

22. 47h and 71d

23. 229 - 1, or 6.8056473384187692692674921486353 X 1038

24. 286 - 1, or 77371252455336267181195263

25. Truth table:

26. Truth table: (last column is the same as #25)

27. It requires 24 (16) rows.

28. 2 bits, producing the following values: 00, 01, 10, 11

1.7.2 Algorithm Workbench

1. Code example (C++)

int toInt32(string s) {

int num = 0;

for(int i = 0; s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '1'; i++) {

num = num * 2 + s[i]-'0';


return num;


2. Code example (C++)

int hexStrToInt32(string s) {

int num = 0;

for(int i = 0; ; i++) {

if( s[i] >= '0' && s[i] <= '9' )

num = num * 16 + s[i]-'0';

else if( s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'F' )

num = num * 16 + (s[i]-'A'+10);




return num;


3. Code example (C++)

string intToBinStr( int n ) {

vector<int> stack;

do {

int quotient = n / 2;

int remainder = n % 2;


n = quotient;

} while( n > 0 );

string s;

while( stack.size() > 0 ) {

s += (stack.back() + '0');



return s;


4. Code example (C++)

string intToHexStr( int n ) {

vector<int> stack;

do {

int quotient = n / 16;

int remainder = n % 16;


n = quotient;

} while( n > 0 );

string s;

while( stack.size() > 0 ) {

int d = stack.back();

if( d >= 0 && d <= 9 )

s += (stack.back() + '0');

else // probably a hex digit

s += (stack.back() - 10 + 'A');



return s;


5. Code example (C++)

string addDigitStrings( string s1, string s2, int base ) {

string sumStr;

int carry = 0;

for(int i = s1.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

int dval = (s1[i] - '0') + (s2[i] - '0') + carry;

carry = 0;

if( dval > (base - 1) ) {

carry = 1;

dval = dval % base;


sumStr.insert(sumStr.begin(), (dval + '0'));


if( carry == 1 )

sumStr.insert( sumStr.begin(), 1 + '0');

return sumStr;


Chapter 2


Chapter 2 (x86 Processor Architecture) – Assessment

To view the answers in Word 2010, select File | Options | Display, and select the Hidden Text checkbox.

Last update: 12/17/2013

Copyright 2014, Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. You may use and modify this test for instructional purposes if you have adopted Assembly Language for x86 Computers (Irvine) for your current semester course.


Please indicate whether each statement is True (T) or False (F).

1. The control unit (CU) coordinates the sequencing of steps involved in executing machine instructions.


2. The arithmetic logic unit performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.


3. Data travels along a bus with n bits running in parallel, where the bus is n bits wide.


4. Another name for machine cycle is clock cycle.


5. The upper half of the RDX register is called EDX.


6. The lower half of the RCX register is called EBX.


7. The Carry flag reflects the status of an usigned arithmetic operation.


8. The Zero flag is clear when the result of an arithmetic operation is zero.


9. The MMX register names are just different names for registers in the floating-point unit.


10. Requests from hardware devices are called interrrupts.


11. In Real-address mode, multiple programs can run at the same time, but they can only address physical memory.


12. When running in 64-bit mode, only the lowest 48 bits of address operands are used.


13. In 64-bit mode, you can use three more general-purpose registers than in 32-bit mode.


14. When running in native 64-bit mode, processors do not support 16-bit Real Mode.


15. The Basic Input-Output System is a collection of low-level subroutines that communicate directly with hardware devices.


Chapter 2 (x86 Processor Architecture) – Assessment

To view the answers in Word 2010, select File | Options | Display, and select the Hidden Text checkbox.

Last update: 12/17/2013

Copyright 2014, Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. You may use and modify this test for instructional purposes if you have adopted Assembly Language for x86 Computers (Irvine) for your current semester course.


Please indicate whether each statement is True (T) or False (F).

1. The control unit (CU) coordinates the sequencing of steps involved in executing machine instructions.


2. The arithmetic logic unit performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.


3. Data travels along a bus with n bits running in parallel, where the bus is n bits wide.


4. Another name for machine cycle is clock cycle.


5. The upper half of the RDX register is called EDX.


6. The lower half of the RCX register is called EBX.


7. The Carry flag reflects the status of an usigned arithmetic operation.


8. The Zero flag is clear when the result of an arithmetic operation is zero.


9. The MMX register names are just different names for registers in the floating-point unit.


10. Requests from hardware devices are called interrrupts.


11. In Real-address mode, multiple programs can run at the same time, but they can only address physical memory.


12. When running in 64-bit mode, only the lowest 48 bits of address operands are used.


13. In 64-bit mode, you can use three more general-purpose registers than in 32-bit mode.


14. When running in native 64-bit mode, processors do not support 16-bit Real Mode.


15. The Basic Input-Output System is a collection of low-level subroutines that communicate directly with hardware devices.


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