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Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online, 9th Edition solutions manual and test bank by Amy Newman

Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online, 9th Edition solutions manual and test bank by Amy Newman


Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online


Chapter 2


Team and Intercultural Communication



Teams are successful when team members negotiate conflicts and provide regular constructive feedback. Technology helps in planning and completing successful team projects.

Intercultural communication is an essential part of international business. Challenges of intercultural communication are not limited to language differences. Other cultural variables—perceptions of context, time and space, group or individualist orientation, and so on—add to the complexity of working with people from other countries. When communicating with people from other cultures, business professionals maintain formality, show respect, and write and speak clearly.

Similarly, when communicating with diverse audiences, professionals demonstrate respect through language choices about ethnicity, gender, ability, age, and other variables. A diverse work environment brings great value to companies and creates a more productive and inclusive workplace.


Learning Objectives

· Communicate effectively and ethically in small groups.

· Collaborate to improve team writing.

· Communicate with intercultural audiences.

· Communicate with diverse populations.

Quick Links for Chapter 2


PPT Slides | Solutions to Exercises | Handouts | Video Suggestions | Company Examples | BizCom in the News

Teaching Suggestions



LO1: Communicate effectively and ethically in small groups.


INTRODUCE the collaborative nature of communication. Emphasize the importance of working with others in all areas of business.


INSTRUCT students to work in teams and share their success and “horror stories” of working in teams.

14-week business: Students will share stories from their work (internships, summer jobs, etc.) experiences.

14-week non-business: Students will share stories from personal experiences (school team projects, planning a family road trip, etc.).

Each team will perform the following:

· Based on the stories, compile a list of lessons learned: what is effective and ineffective when communicating in a team.

· Share the list with the rest of class.


DISCUSS the variables of group communication. Invite students to apply these variables to the stories and lessons they shared in the previous activity.


DISTRIBUTE the handouts, “How to Give Positive and Negative Feedback” and “Using ‘I’ Statements When Giving Feedback.” Instruct students to work in pairs and, through a role play, practice providing constructive feedback to each other. Students may use the stories they shared earlier as possible material for the role play situations.



LO2: Collaborate to improve team writing.


INTRODUCE the concept of writing in teams. Invite students to brainstorm possible business documents and messages that should be composed collaboratively.


INSTRUCT students to work in teams similar to the earlier group activity about working in teams (LO1). This time, invite students to share their experiences of writing in teams.


DISCUSS strategies for successful writing in teams: using steps for team writing, following a plan, and giving helpful comments on drafts.

If students have a class project in progress, ask them to bring the most current drafts. Instruct students to work in pairs and practice providing constructive feedback to each other based on their drafts.


ASSIGN students to work in teams of three or four. In a computer lab or on laptops in class, instruct students to create an account on Wiggio ( Ask students to create a few messages about a project they are working on together—or to just explore the site. Have them work for about ten minutes and prepare answers to the following questions, depending on their experience with Wikis:

· What are the advantages of working in Wiggio for a team project? What are the potential disadvantages?

· How does Wiggio compare to other sites, such as Google Drive, that you have used for team projects?



LO3: Communicate with intercultural audiences.


INTRODUCE the intercultural aspect of business communication. Discuss various dimensions beyond language that impact our understanding of each other’s cultures. Discuss the negative impact of such concepts as ethnocentrism and stereotyping.

As with any activity in this section, this would be an opportunity to encourage international and multicultural students in class to actively contribute. Without feeling pressured, they may provide very interesting and useful insights from their own cultural perspective.


INSTRUCT students to work in teams to discuss how cultural values may impact communication in business. Possible situations may include the following:

· Creating an ad for an overseas campaign to promote a new product

· Replying to an email complaint from a customer from Europe

· Videoconferencing with partners from Japan about building new production facilities

Ask students to brainstorm possible communication challenges caused by intercultural differences and potential solutions. Invite each team to share their analysis with the rest of the class.


INSTRUCT students to work in teams and, on laptops or in a computer lab, visit the website Ask them to enter countries for comparison. They may use their own country of origin or countries about which they have a history or interest. Debrief by asking what they have learned and how they might apply what they learned to their communication with others.


INTRODUCE the story, “McDonald’s Slips on Communicating with the Hmong,” on Ask students to compare this example to the McDonald’s website examples in the textbook.

14-week business: Encourage students to consider a company’s internal process for developing ads (and perhaps external ad agencies). What could have gone wrong?



INSTRUCT students to choose a website of a global company, for example, Coca-Cola, and to find various versions of the site for different countries. Ask students to complete the following tasks:

· Analyze the ways the company adapts its writing style, use of graphics, and other features to different cultures.

· Write a brief report on the findings and include screen shots of the company’s website(s) to illustrate main points.



LO4: Communicate with diverse populations.


INTRODUCE the concept of diversity and invite students to discuss how diversity may impact communication at work. Possible questions to discuss may include the following:

· What are the benefits of a diverse workplace?

· What are the challenges of a diverse workplace?

· How does a diverse workplace impact communication?

DISCUSS the concept of inclusion as related to diversity in workplace.


INTRODUCE the story, “Victoria’s Secret: ‘Spitting on Our Culture,’” on Ask the following questions to facilitate a discussion:

· As you might expect, not everyone agrees that Victoria's Secret needed to apologize. Online comments suggested that people should "grow a thicker skin" and that "Indians should get over themselves." What's your view?

· How do you assess Victoria's Secret's apology? Is this enough? If not, what else should the company do or say?  

14-week business: INSTRUCT students to perform “damage control” on behalf of Victoria’s Secret, using various channels of communication. Potential media may include an open letter, blog or Facebook post, tweet, or email to employees.


SHARE two or three recent stories that focus on communication with diverse populations (for example, “In Yearbook, Students Called ‘Mentally Retarded’”). Ask students to comment on the stories and the ways people communicated under the circumstances.

INSTRUCT students to search for and share with the class similar stories. Ask them to prepare two or three questions for each story to use as discussion starters.

Solutions to Exercises

3Ps in Practice: Tailoring a Message to a Brazilian Audience


1. From studying Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, what differences exist between the United States and Brazil that may be relevant to your communication?

Brazil has high power distance; the United States has low power distance. This means Brazil is a culture in which management decisions are made by the boss simply because he or she is the boss. Brazil has similar Hofstede dimensions to many Latin America counties. Brazil has high uncertainty avoidance and is a collectivist society. The United States has low uncertainty avoidance and is a highly individualist culture.

2. What images will you use for each audience?

For a Brazilian audience, I will use images of families and people in relationships because Brazil is a collectivist society.

3. What language will be most effective in targeting this audience?

I will use words that are a bit more directive, which will play to Brazil’s high power distance. Since Brazil is a collectivist society, the emphasis should be on community.


Student’s website mock-ups will vary but should incorporate the words and images suggested above.

1. Analyze a team’s communication.

Student responses will vary based on their personal experience working as part of a team. Student responses should consider the three main variables of a team’s communication: conflict, conformity, and consensus. See Figure 1 in the text for further understanding of these three variables. Student responses should also include a reflection of how their team communication skills can be improved in the future.

2. Explain a team’s communication.

Student responses will vary based on their personal experience working as part of a team. Students should take their analysis from Exercise 1—of conflict, conformity, and consensus—and describe their ideas to the class.

3. Provide feedback.

Support responses such as the following, but encourage students to use their own, conversational style:

a. “When you do not have your part of the plan drafted at the time we agree upon, I feel frustrated because it puts all of us behind schedule. I would like you to complete your part by tomorrow because it will enable us to submit the final plan to the boss on schedule. What do you think?”

b. “When you miss a deadline, I feel angry because this is the third time this year you have missed a deadline. I would like you to consider finding a way of planning your schedule that allows you to finish your part of projects by the deadline. That way, we can all benefit by submitting projects on time.”

c. “Anita, you did a beautiful job. The attractive design for the final document will certainly add to the appearance of the report and make it easier to read. Your hard work and dedication to the project make you a real asset to our team.”

d. “When you did not arrive at our meeting on time, we were all worried because you normally are here on time. I’m glad that you were not injured. Thank you for coming as quickly as you could to submit your part of the report.”

e. “When you miss our meeting to work on another report, I feel disappointed because this project is important to the success of our division. I would like you to arrange to attend future meetings because we need to coordinate all parts of the project. What do you think?”

4. Identify poor team behavior.

The television show The Office is commonly filled with these characteristics of poor team behavior:

· They get off-track with too many pranks. (Although, having fun in the workplace can be good too!)

· Interpersonal conflict is often messy and gets in the way of the entire office’s productivity.

· Many of the jokes told throughout the Office are towards an individual’s personality or personal characteristics, which is destructive to team dynamics.

· Rarely do they receive positive feedback. The feedback employees receive is often negative or sarcastic.

· Often two or more members of the Office take sides against other members about some issue, which is destructive to the productivity of a team.

Students may identify several more characteristics depending on which episode of The Office they choose to watch.

5. Comment on a peer’s writing.

Students should pair off and exchange draft documents. Students should then provide feedback on their peer’s draft based on the tips provided in the chapter (Figure 6). Students should debrief with their partners and discuss helpful versus unhelpful feedback and best practices for helpful feedback. Encourage students to evaluate the amount of feedback as well as the quality. Did the reviewer make enough comments? Too many? Was the tone appropriate—not too harsh but clear enough about suggestions?

6. Create a project plan.

Students will need to think comprehensively to produce a well-developed project plan for a company’s new website. Ensure that students discuss the content of the website, how that content will be communicated, and the communication strategy among team members. Refer to Figure 5 for an example of a simplified project plan.

7. Contribute to Wikipedia.

Student responses will vary based on the student’s expertise. You can check students’ work on Wikipedia and see whether they contributed throughout the collaborative editing process. During a class discussion, debrief which contributions were changed, and ask for students’ reactions: do they agree with the change and see the value of collaborative writing?

8. Set up a wiki.

Student responses will vary based on the wiki site they select and the wiki content. Students should analyze how the wiki helps communication for their class project or campus organization. Consider the benefits of wikis listed in the chapter.

9. Improve how you use a wiki.

Students should discuss the benefits of using a wiki; encourage students to think about functionality they can use in the future (for example, online chat, text reminders, or a shared calendar). Have students discuss how their use of the wiki could be improved as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the different wikis students have used. What has and has not worked well?

10. Interpret two messages from international offices.

The message from the Berlin office is direct and straightforward. It was somewhat abrupt as well: the email was not addressed to the team members, the message contained two sentences, and Ms. Zimmermann signed her initials, “KZ.” Germany, a country with low context sensitivity, relies more on explicit communication. Tasks are more important than relationships, so people use a direct style of communication. Ms. Zimmermann’s style doesn’t necessarily mean that she is unhappy with the plan; she says it is “acceptable,” which may be intended as a compliment.

The message from the Tokyo office includes an exchange of pleasantries, warmth, and a longer reaction to the team’s orientation plan. Japan, a country with high context sensitivity, emphasizes relationships. There was no mention of a direct “yes” or “no” to the team’s suggestion of a week of work prior to the internship start date. This is reflective of the high value Japan places on relationships. Mr. Yamashita does not want to directly say “no” because this may be perceived as impolite.

11. Adapt to cultural differences in email responses.

To: Karla Zimmermann, Managing Partner, Berlin Office

Cc: Akira Yamashita, Managing Partner, Tokyo Office
Sondra Simmons, HR Manager, Corporate Office

From: Team Members

Subject: Re: Feedback on Your Proposed Orientation Plan for Interns

Dear Ms. Zimmermann,

We want the interns to spend time researching Dewey, Wright, and Howe to become familiar with our company. We could change the plan so that they do this research on their first day of work.

Would this be acceptable?

Team Members

To: Akira Yamashita, Managing Partner, Tokyo Office

From: Team Members

Cc: Karla Zimmermann, Managing Partner, Berlin Office
Sondra Simmons, HR Manager, Corporate Office

Subject: Re: Feedback on Your Proposed Orientation Plan for Interns

Dear Mr. Yamashita,

Thank you for your kind response to our Orientation Plan. We are glad that you find it acceptable.

By asking the interns to spend some time researching our company, we hope they will be more familiar with our values and vision. To address Ms. Zimmermann’s concern about compensation, we could have the interns do this work during their first day of work instead.

Thank you for taking the time to review our Orientation Plan. Please let us know if there is anything else we should change.

Best regards,

Team Members

12. Research international communication and write an advice memo.

To: Marcus Seligman

From: Ben Torrey

Subject: Understanding Chinese Culture on International Business

Dear Marcus,

The success of your international business endeavors in China depends greatly on how well you understand and adapt to the culture.

In Chinese culture, personal relationships are extremely important. Because the Chinese emphasize relationships, bringing gifts with you is one way to extend and build a personal relationship with Chinese businesspeople. Business meetings may be longer and more drawn out because the relationships, not the issue or task, may be the sole purpose for a meeting.

Chinese businesses have a hierarchical structure, where managers make decisions and give directions for the organization. When making a decision in groups, however, you need to find harmony and consensus: don’t be too direct and give orders. Instead, take the time to explain your view in different ways and to understand your Chinese partners’ perspectives. Discuss the issues thoroughly until you all come to an agreement.

The Chinese have different verbal and non-verbal communication characteristics from Americans. They converse with limited visual body movement. To Americans, it may seem that they have no body movement, but pay attention to subtleties. In addition, the Chinese find it difficult to say “no.” Some may say, “Yes, but it will be a challenge” or “Yes, probably,” which to Americans sounds like “yes” but is intended as a “no.” When trying to reach an agreement with Chinese businesspeople, verify that their “yes” is in fact a positive affirmation.

By applying this cultural knowledge, you will have effective communications with Chinese businesspeople. I wish you the best of success.

Best regards,


13. Present cultural differences to the class.

Student responses will vary based on the student’s experience on an international visit. Allow students to make open-ended observations about the country they visited. Students should consider cultural values discussed in the chapter including individualism, long-term orientation, time orientation, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, formality, materialism, and context-sensitivity. Challenge the presenter to distinguish between cultural stereotypes and his or her own experience. Encourage the rest of the class to ask clarifying questions throughout or at the end of the presentation.

14. Analyze an intercultural situation.

Joe’s intercultural skills are very weak. He apparently has little understanding of the Japanese culture and how decisions are made. Here is a list of some specific missteps:

· He was late for his appointment, whereas the Japanese are very time conscious. This probably affected his credibility and may have been perceived as arrogance.

· He made an offensive statement about Japanese drivers; the Japanese are very sensitive about hurting the feelings of others.

· He used slang phrases (“let’s get right down to brass tacks,” “hammer out the details”) that Mr. Nakamura probably did not understand.

· He demanded a quick response and focused on individuals (“who knows more about this than you and I do?”). The Japanese are slower to make decisions, and most of their decisions are made by groups rather than by individuals. Joe’s comments may have been perceived as arrogant.

· He sat down facing the manager and maintained eye contact. The Japanese prefer to sit side by side while handling business, because eye contact is considered irritating or rude.

Nakamura’s response probably meant that he understood what Joe was saying, rather than that he agreed with him.

15. Analyze how well a company adapts to international audiences.

The student’s response should look similar to the analysis of the McDonald’s websites in Figures 10 and 11. Students should look at several different countries and identify the differences that are well (or not-so-well) suited to that country. Students may find that their international company of choice does not adapt to different cultures well. If so, encourage students to make recommendations about how these webpages can be improved to appeal to the people of those nations.

16. Learn about someone’s cultural background.

Students are to interview a peer about his or her cultural background. This should be an opportunity for students to learn about cultural diversity and understand the value of diversity. As students are interviewing each other, you might encourage them, in some cases, to go deeper and ask more pointed questions. However, if students appear uncomfortable with the interviews, you could intervene and help broaden some questions.

17. Respond to domestic intercultural issues.

a. Remind Alton that people converse most easily in their native language. Suggest that he ask the individuals to let him know what is going on because he does not understand what they are saying. The other individuals could be reminded to use English when others who do not speak their language are near.

b. Suggest that Jason and his supervisor sit at a table when negotiating. This will permit both to be at eye level. Jason should also be prepared for the session to ensure that the substance of his perspective or position will be covered thoroughly.

c. Discuss with Raisa the problems that can arise from avoiding an employee. Suggest that she focus on Roger’s eyes. If she is unable to follow your advice, recommend a counseling intervention to help her; otherwise, Raisa may be ill suited to be a supervisor.

d. Sheila is justified in her belief that profanity should not be used during a business meeting regardless of the gender of the participants. Thank her for her perspective. Alex should be privately admonished about profanity in the office. Use a constructive feedback approach.

e. Making coffee and cleaning up after oneself is not a female role. It is a chore that should be shared by all who drink coffee. On the other hand, muscle power may be gender specific. Lifting a heavy carton may be most efficiently handled by Jim and is an appropriate use of office human resources. As manager, you will discuss this viewpoint with Jim privately.

18. Use inclusive language.

Changes are highlighted below:

a. The mayor opened contract talks with the union representing local police officers.

b. While the sales associates are at the convention, their spouses or partners will be treated to a tour of the city’s landmarks.

c. Our company gives each supervisor the day off on his or her birthday.

d. Our public relations director, Heather Marshall, will ask her secretary, Bonita Carwell, to take notes during the president’s speech.

e. Neither Mr. Batista nor his secretary, Ms. Hawkins, had met the new family.

19. Discuss your views of using inclusive language.

Students should consider how language could support or discourage diversity. Encourage students to be honest in how they respond. You might make the point that language for business communication (in a workplace) is different from how students may speak with friends.

20. Improve diversity training.

Student responses will vary based on their opinions regarding the episode, but they likely will see the blatant stereotyping in the training. Also mandatory training that no one is invested in or helped to create is doomed to failure. A better approach may be to address specific issues directly and encourage honest discussion about differences at work.

21. Use gender-neutral language.

a. Police officer

b. Member of the clergy

c. Firefighter

d. Sales representative, sales associate

e. Mail carrier, letter carrier, postal worker

f. Porter, baggage handler

g. Maintenance

h. Repairperson, technician, engineer, mechanic

i. Sewer cover, utility lid

j. Server

22. Discuss your views about a potentially insensitive party.

Student responses will vary, but here is an example answer:

· The party’s theme is incredibly insensitive and disrespectful. It played on unfair stereotypes and made a lot of people uncomfortable and upset.

· The university should speak with the sorority about the consequences of such events, and a warning should be issued. The university should help the sorority members understand how hurtful the party was and why people were offended.

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